So, I'm working my search-fu and I find plenty of handy reference material (including mIRC's extensive helpfile system) and all of it seems to indicate that when assigning a variable the default value will be assumed to be numerical? My assumption is based off of a parameter to set plain-text but none to set value. Well, I need it to accept a numerical input so that I can use it for equations. I've tried everything I can think of to get this basic input/output to work... but, nothing seems to be working. What am I doing wrong? Yes, I am prepared to facepalm; but, I'm hoping it is some setting I am ignorant of that I can toggle off and not feel dumb. wink Thanks!


/test.tertiary  {
  set %value.test = 5
    ;Set variable (value.test) to the number five.
  echo %value.test
    ;Display variable (value.test).
      ;Output:  '= 5'
      ;Desired Output:  '5'
  set %value.test = %value.test + 1
    ;Increase the value of variable (value.test) by one.
      ;I know there is a command for this, but for testing purposes the equation is more important than efficiency.
  echo %value.test
    ;Display variable (value.test).
      ;Output: '= %number + 1'
      ;Desired Output:  '6'