Hi guys, I've been using a script that was made for me a while ago that calls a website and checks for a game update, if it is found (or not) the results are returned back into the channel on iRC. The problem is I am no longer in contact with the maker of the script and the site it called for the updates from is no longer up.

I was wondering how hard it is to edit his script and have it point to a new URL to get the updates from or is it better to just get the script re-written? I tried to edit it myself and failed as expected as I just have no clue what I'm meant to edit. I've pasted his script below for anyone that wants to take a look for me ,TIA wink

New URL to point the script to for the update info:


Sorce code for the NEW webpage I want to pull the updates from (not sure if it is needed):


UPDFinder script below:

Click to reveal..
#UpdFinder on
on *:load:{
  echo -a 15Loading Variables stand by...
  set %gidlock  unlocked
  set %gis 0
  echo -a 15Variables Successfully 3Loaded,enjoy...
on *:text:!gameupdate:#MY_CHANNEL:{
  notice $nick 15Y0 sup my man, try !gameupdate <4GameID15> .
on *:text:??gameupdates:#MY_CHANNEL:{
msg $chan 15There has been3 %gis 15Total Game Updates Searched... }
on *:text:!gameupdate *:#MY_CHANNEL:{
  inc %gis
  if (%gidlock = locked) { notice $nick 15Just warming up ,hit me back up again in about4 515 sec's. }
  if (%gidlock = unlocked) {
    set %gidlock locked
    set %gid $upper($2)
    set %gidnick $nick
    notice %gidnick 15Searching game updates for4 %gid
alias psnupdate {
  remove psnupdate
  sockopen psnupdate s4bres-world.com 80
on *:sockopen:psnupdate:{
  if !$sockerr {
    var %status sockwrite -tn psnupdate
    %status GET /psn_update_finder.php?titleid= $+ %gid $+ &env=np  HTTP/1.1
    %status $sockname Accept: *.*, */* 
    %status HOST: www.s4bres-world.com
    %status Connection: close
    %status $crlf
on *:sockread:psnupdate:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) {
  if (%temp == $null) {
    %temp = -
  if (%temp == </html>) {
    sockclose %text
  if (Invalid isin %temp) { notice %gidnick 4Invalid GameID,No Update Available or you just dont have enough 3shinnizle15....No Results found matching:4 %gid | set %gidlock unlocked | halt }
  if (strong isin %temp) {
    write psnupdate %temp *
  if (<em> isin %temp) {
alias parse2 {
alias parse {
  set %parselines $lines(psnupdate)
  if ($lines(psnupdate) = 1) {
    notice %gidnick 15Prasing Error - 15Try !gameupdate3 %gid 15again
    set %gidlock unlocked
  if (Acirc isin $read(psnupdate, %parselines )) {
    /notice %gidnick 15 $gettok($gettok($gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parselines ),6,60),2,62),2-4,59),1,38) $gettok($gettok($gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parselines ),6,60),2,62),2-4,59),3,59) 14-3 %gid
    goto againparse2
  if (</tbody></table><br isin $read(psnupdate, %parselines )) {
    notice %gidnick 15 $gettok($gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parselines ),6,60),2,62),2,59) 14-3 %gid
  else { notice %gidnick 15 $gettok($gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parselines ),4,62),1,60),2,59) 14-3 %gid
  set %parseln 1
  if (back isin  $read(psnupdate, %parseln )) {
    set %gidlock unlocked
  if (%parseln > %parselines) {
    set %gidlock unlocked
  else {
    if ($gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),14,60),2,62) > 3.55) {  notice %gidnick 15Update Version:8 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),3,60),2,62) 15URL: $gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln  ),2,34) 15File Size:4 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),10,60),2,62) 15FW Version:8/4!8\4 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),14,60),2,62) 8/4!8\ }
    else { notice %gidnick 15Update Version:8 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),3,60),2,62) 15URL: $gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln  ),2,34) 15File Size:4 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),10,60),2,62) 15FW Version:3 $gettok($gettok($read(psnupdate, %parseln ),14,60),2,62) }
    inc %parseln
    goto againparse
on *:sockclose:text:{
  //echo -a Sock CLosed
#UpdFinder end
Menu menubar,status,channel {
  .$iif($group(#UpdFinder) == On,$style(1)) UpdFinder
  ..$iif($group(#UpdFinder).status == on,$style(2)) Enable:/.enable #UpdFinder | notice $nick 14[3PS3 UpdFinder have been Enabled14].
  ..$iif($group(#UpdFinder).status == off,$style(2)) Disable:/.disable #UpdFinder | notice $nick 14[4PS3 UpdFinder have been Disabled14].

If anyone can take a look that would be great ,again TIA
