on *:TEXT:*:*: {
  if ($1 == !addcmd) { 
    if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick More parameters needed. | halt }
    elseif ($2 == !addcmd) || ($2 == !delcmd)  || ($2 == ! $+ $null) { msg $chan $nick Primary triggers cant be set. | halt }
    elseif (!$2 = !$read(scripts/cc.txt,ntw,* $+ $2 $+ *)) { msg $chan $2 already taken. | halt }
    write -il1 scripts/cc.mrc on *:TEXT: $+ $2 $+ : $+ $chr(35) $+ : { describe $chr(35) $3- } | write scripts/cc.txt $2 $3- | write scripts/cc1.txt $2 $3- $chr(91) $+ CREATED BY $+ $chr(93) $nick | /write -l4 scripts/cc.html This page was modified on: $date(ddd mmm dd $+ $chr(44) yyyy) $chr(64) $time(h:nntt) <br><ol> | write -il8 scripts/cc.html <tr><td  $+ $chr(32) $+ nowrap $+ $chr(61) $+ $chr(34) $+ nowrap $+ $chr(34) $+ > $+ $chr(32) $+ $2 $+ $chr(32) $+ </td> <td> $3- </td></tr> | run -ns: scripts/ccftpbatch.bat
    .timer 1 1 describe # $nick added $2 to $me $+ . Thank you for your addition. Click for the complete list of commands. 
    .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.mrc | .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.txt | .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.html
  elseif ($1 == !delcmd) {
    set %istriggerdel $2
    set %delhtml <tr><td  $+ $chr(32) $+ nowrap $+ $chr(61) $+ $chr(34) $+ nowrap $+ $chr(34) $+ > $+ $chr(32) $+ %istriggerdel $+ $chr(32) $+
    set %delmrc on *:TEXT: $+ %istriggerdel $+ : $+
    if ($nick !isop $chan) { msg $chan $nick not enough access. | halt }
    elseif (!$2) { msg $chan $nick More parameters needed. | halt }
    elseif (! $+ %istriggerdel == !$read(scripts/cc.txt,ntw,* $+ %istriggerdel $+ *)) { msg $chan $nick This trigger doesnt exist. | halt }
    write -dw" %delmrc $+ *" scripts/cc.mrc 
    write -ds" %delhtml " scripts/cc.html
    write -ds" $+ %istriggerdel $+ " scripts/cc.txt
    run -ns: scripts/ccftpbatch.bat
    msg $chan The trigger %istriggerdel has been removed...hopefuly? 
    .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.mrc | .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.txt | .timer 1 1 load -rs scripts/cc.html
    unset %istriggerdel
    unset %delhtml
    unset %delmrc
  elseif ($1 == !editcmd) {
    set %istriggeredit $2
    set %istriggert $3 $4-
    if ($nick !isop $chan) { msg $chan $nick not enough access. | halt }
    elseif (!$3) { msg $chan $nick More parameters needed. | halt }
    elseif (!$read(scripts/cc.txt,ntw,* $+ %istriggeredit $+ *)) { msg $chan $nick This trigger doesnt exist. | halt }
    write -ds" $+ %istriggeredit $+ " scripts/cc.txt | write scripts/cc.txt %istriggert 
    msg $chan The trigger %istriggeredit has been edited...hopefuly? | run -ns: scripts/ccftpbatch.bat
    unset %istriggeredit
    unset %istriggert 
  elseif ($1 == !search) {
    set %istriggersearch $2
    elseif (!$3) { msg $chan not the correct parameters | halt }
    elseif (!$read(scripts/cc.txt,nts,* $+ %istriggersearch $+ *)) { msg $chan $nick This trigger doesnt exist. | halt }
    msg $chan searching %istriggersearch
    filter -ff scripts/cc.txt scripts/temp.txt * $+ %istriggersearch $+ * 
    .play -pq3f1m1 $chan scripts/temp.txt 2000
    remove scripts/temp.txt
    unset %istriggersearch

I am sorry if i am using anybody's code, but i needed something to start from. the problem i am having is getting the !delcmd <trigger to delete> to delete from the html file scripts/cc.html. i am not having any issues getting the command to delete from the .mrc file or the .txt file. for some reason, i cant get it to find and delete from the .html file. if someone can help me, i would really really appreciate it. i love this website, and have been learning alot from it. the purpose of this scripts is for a custom bot i created in a jtv channel. so i get alot of custom commands added. i would like the mods in my chat to be able to delete any they feel are unnecessary.

ps....the !editcmd doesnt work yet either, but i can play with that after i get the !delcmd to work right. !addcmd and !search already work properly

Last edited by bandbonjtv; 11/10/12 06:35 AM. Reason: added more text to body