Hi there!

I use mIRC on a USB-stick at home (on whatever computer or laptop I happen to be), at work and at my parents.

Everyone seems to prefer IE as their default browser, except me - I usually use Firefox or occasionally Chrome. But I can live with that as there usually is a Firefox installed somewhere.
At work I use IE officially, and privately I use Firefox to keep links and interests apart. On my boyfriends computer he uses IE and I use FF - also to keep our links seperate.

Now it would be nice to be able to tell mIRC to open links in Firefox - even if that isn't the default browser.

Is this possible?
If yes - how do I persuade my mIRC to do that?

Especially when it comes to things connected to facebook for instance - I have to keep remembering to copy and paste links over to Firefox, so I don't have my boyfriend liking e.g. HelloKitty (that nearly happened) or Dilbert (that has happened) or classical music (that would be really bad, he hates classical music). Potentially, there could be similar problems at work - it would look very unprofessional if it got mixed up.

Thanks for your time.
