The popups menu displayed when you right click a name in the nicklist and the popups menu displayed when you right click a name in the channel window is the same.
This would mean you don't have a problem of popups, the popup is there since it works in the nicklist.
Note that there's no way (without using external tools like a dll) to stop the default popups when you right click a name in the nicklist whereas it is possible to override the behavior when you right click a nickname inside the channel window.
Which is why I suggested turning remote off (that would prevent any code to override that behavior), and which is why you were asked to give some informations about your mirc settings (the //echo -a command).
Since you said it's working now, I'd triple check you have your remote on ($remote is 7).
Having your remote off would explain why it's working: a script is overriding the behavior.

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