i found 1 problem please help if ya can.
i set a banlist on someone as they mass kicked
i set it as.
ban:*!*395abd49578@gatekeeperpassport logged as: john. reason: mass kicker.

and the kick messagewhen he came back just said logged
and left the rest out
any help will be gr8ly appreciated:)
p.s. this is the on join:

on *:JOIN:#:{
if ($level($address($nick,1)) == ban) {
sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid access # clear
sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid access # add deny $address($nick,1)
sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid kick # $nick $ulist($address($nick,1)).info
sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid prop # ownerkey $r(0,999) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $me
sockwrite -tn msn.server. $+ $cid access # add owner $address($me,1)

Last edited by pheonix; 12/05/03 12:59 PM.

new username: tidy_trax