Hi fellow mIRC users,
I am looking for active IRC servers.
I am looking for current 2012 servers.
What has happened to loyal IRC users?
Have they all been gobbled up by Facebook and Tagged?

I am a long-time user and remember the good old days.
Undernet, Dalnet and EfNet.
I remember when local people would have large meetups.
I remember almost 30 people joining live events in the 1990s.
Today, I am lucky if three people chat in #canada or #toronto.
I also join #france, #germany, #france and #espana.
I also join #newyork, #texas and #mensa.
Yes, I speak English, French and Spanish and even some German.
Please suggest current, active IRC servers for 2012.
For the last 6 months, I only see Philipino chatters.
They go to all countries and nobody else is there.
I live in Toronto, Canada and I looking to find active, North American Chatters. Or good European chatters in European channels.
#mexico has banned all Canadians on Undernet.
I like to travel and meet new people.
I have been to Mexico and South America many times.

1. Could you suggest good current, active servers?
2. Could you suggest good current, active channels for the above topics?


Last edited by JustinJ; 29/05/12 01:14 AM.

Justin Keswick
Toronto, Canada
JustinJ on Undernet