I'd like to extend that idea for even more simple debugging.

; $callstack(N).prop   - returns information about the call stack of the script.
; $callstack(0)        - returns the size of the call stack
; $callstack(1).file   - returns the file name of the current script (like $script if N=1)
; $callstack(1).line   - returns the line number of the current script
;                         (NOT like $scriptline if N=1 - should be the line where the error occured)
; $callstack(2).type   - returns the type of the calling script (event, alias, identifier)
; $callstack(2).name   - returns the name of the calling script 
;                         ("join" for on JOIN events, "bleh" for an alias or identifier called "bleh", ...)
; $callstack(2).params - returns the parameters given to the alias (like $1- if N=1)
; $cerror - returns the error without file/line info (yes, you can script that by yourself)

on *:JOIN:#:{
  addnick $nick

alias addnick {
  ; Note that i "forgot" to give the control number
  did -a joindialog $1

alias did {
  !did $1-
  if ($2 == joindialog) {
    echo -a error: $cerror
    var %i 1
    while ($callstack(%i).type) {
      echo -a $iif(%i == 1,in:,called by:) $callstack(%i).type $callstack(%i).name $&
        file: $callstack(%i).file line $callstack(%i).line params: $callstack(%i).params
      inc %i

; Example output:
; error: /did: 'joindialog' invalid id '0'
; in: alias did file: something.mrc line 24 params: -a joindialog somenick
; called by: alias addnick file: something.mrc line 20 params: somenick
; called by: event join file: something.mrc line 15 params:

An alternative for the last line could be that there's a different $callstack().type for normal events ("on"), "ctcp" and "raw". In my opinion, "called by: on join" looks better than "event join".

Another idea would be not having to script this by yourself, but a built-in command called /callstack or something that puts this information into a file, a dialog box or a custom @window.

Feel free to comment or extend this idea.

Last edited by D4ni; 24/04/12 02:36 PM.