Found in 7.22, still in 7.23. To reproduce, start from a clean install and only alter it thusly:

ALT-O > IRC > [ ] Minimize query window
ALT-O > IRC > Show in active: [x] Away [ ] Whois

1) Typing "/whois Bob" in a /query window to Bob causes the /whois response to appear in your status window (as expected based on the configuration above), except for its "Bob is away: <reason>" line, which alone gets displayed in your /query window to Bob. This appears to be a bug, since if you type "/whois Bob" in any other window, including in a query window to someone else, the "Bob is away: <reason>" line will appear in your status window along with the rest of the /whois reply's lines. (In any case, I would assume mIRC would want to contextualize the away line as a part of a /whois reply and not scatter the reply's total output between separate windows.)

2) Connect to the same server in two server windows with different nicks. Open a query window in the first connection to the nick of the second connection. Then type something in that window. A new query window (belonging to the other nick) will open, taking focus. By taking focus, mIRC is confused into dumping the server's "Bob is away: <reason>" line into your status window rather than into the original query window, where it actually should appear. (For comparison, when [x] Minimize query window is checked, causing the other query window to open minimized, the aforementioned away line will appear as expected in the original query window as soon as you send your first message.)

3) "/window -De @blah", then "/echo @blah This is a font test", then change @blah's font to something else. Then set @blah to On Desktop. When you do, the window's font reverts to the font it originally opened with. (Also happens if you change the font again, and uncheck "On Desktop.")

4) Background image/wallpaper for treebar area does not work. The image seems to appear in the divider bar, but the treebar area itself shows nothing, as if a flat color area is overlaid atop the image itself. (Note: the treebar's background menu also doesn't let you choose center|fill|normal|stretch|tile|photo, as all other parts of mIRC do for backgrounds.)