Originally Posted By: Riamus2
With the correct syntax, your on OPEN events should work fine...
on *:open:?: { whois $nick }

You have an extra * in your event.

That is the syntax according to the help file. Either way, this still doesn't work for the intended purpose. Looks like there has to be content in order for it to trigger.

*:open:?: { echo -s window opened: $target }

Will work with (presuming you aren't already talking to yourself):
//msg $me message here

But not with:
//query $me message here

//query $me

The 'double-click on user' only does the latter (afaik).

This is in a fresh v7.22 install.

Perhaps it's by design (there are other caveats, after all - 'on open' not triggering on custom windows, e.g.) - but it does mean the initial thought I had doesn't work.