Ok this is what i have so far:

alias hp {
  var %ticks = $ticks
  sockopen $+(hp,%ticks) www.hellsparadise.co.uk 80
  sockmark $+(hp,%ticks) $1-
alias textBold return $+($chr(2),$1-,$chr(2))
alias tread return $read(hptemp.txt,s,$1)
alias twrite write hptemp.txt $1-

on *:SOCKOPEN:hp*:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /viewuser.php?u= $+ $iif($1 isnum,$1,$read(hpids.txt,s,$1)) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: www.hellsparadise.co.uk $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:hp*:{
  var %a | sockread %a

  if ($regex(%a,/<td valign="top">"Name: "<a href="viewuser.php?u= $iif($1 isnum,$1,$read(hpids.txt,s,$1)) $+ " style="color:#:"><\/a><\/td> twrite name $regml(2)


on *:SOCKCLOSE:hp*:{
  write -c hptemp.txt

on *:TEXT:!hpinfo*:#:{
  if ($read(hpids.txt,s,$iif($2,$2,$nick))) || ($2 isnum) { hp $iif($2,$2,$nick) # }
  else { msg $chan There is no ID saved for $textbold($iif($2,$2,$nick)) $+ ! }

It just wont work, this is the source code for what i need:

Profile for <font color="green">mumra_2790</font></h3><table width="100%"><tbody><tr style="background-color: rgb(167, 163, 102);"><th colspan="2" align="center">Profile Information</th></tr><tr><td valign="top">Name: <a href="viewuser.php?u=306" style=""><font color="green">mumra_2790</font></a>

Any help with this matter would be great!