
I am the owner of five channels, 4 gateway chatrooms, one main chatroom. I don't go out spamming chatrooms for visitors. Others spam our chatrooms and are immediately kicked and banned, that's the code of conduct on many chat servers contracts. Any channel owner, and virtually all chatroom owners know that, its not appreciated, its not appreciated by them when that happens, its not appreciated by chatroom visitors and its slanderous to accuse someone of that. No one asked me, well where is this going to be used and how. I'm however immdiately accused of spamming, what a crock and indicative of the reflection of some sad individuals inner nature.

Your'e welcome to visit our chatrooms also Poppy, just leave the trash and accusations outside the door or you'd be tossed out like old trash. That invitation also stands as previously stated for Hammer and any other individual that wishes, all of whom I rather doubt would last a brief moment in any of our chatrooms making such statements and accusations. I find such outragious comments laughable.

We've logged about 5,000 visitors in the past 2 months thru our chatrooms. Not an extreme number but certainly a busy and active number of visitors. I certainly don't see us forcing anyone to stay in any of our chatrooms.

Again, as previously posted, I'm grateful for the assistance, the rhetorical slander is unfounded and over the top.
