There is no way for me to be sure 1: if you completely got rid of the trojan or 2. if the ban was meant for you specifically or was wide enuf to include you. Since i dont know the network involved, i cant advise you who to contact to discuss it, but most networks have that info on their website somewhere or a forum you can post on for help.

Have you run a virus scan like the one at this web page to be sure you got everything? Even if your puter is clean now, you may still have to explain to them what steps you took in order to get the kline removed. How long will it last? Only they can tell you, it could be timed for any length or stay there until someone removes it.

While you say you didnt do this on purpose, realize there is no way to tell how many ppl you infected unknowingly. Isnt it better for the network to safeguard their other users until they know for sure you have cleaned your puter?

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet