i think of this

i tried to make one ! but dunno why not work frown

alias resolve {
  set %resolve.ip $$1
  sockopen resolve.ip www.topwebhosts.org 80
  .timer 1 3 sockclose resolve.ip
on *:sockopen:resolve.ip: {
  var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %a GET $+(/tools/ip-locator.php?query=,%resolve.ip) HTTP/1.1
  %a HOST: topwebhosts.org
  %a $crlf
on *:sockread:resolve.ip: {
  sockread %sockread
  if (href='http://www.ip2location.com'> isin %sockread) { 

    ; Geolocation data from IP2Location (Product: DB4)
    set %resolve.country1 $remove($gettok($gettok(%sockread,17,47),3-,62),$+($chr(60),img src,$chr(61),$chr(39)))

    ; Geolocation data from IPligence (Product: Max)
    set %resolve.country2 Country: $remove($gettok($gettok(%sockread,50,47),3-,62),$+($chr(60),img src,$chr(61),$chr(39)))
  if (Registry Information for isin %sockread) { 
    if ($gettok($regsubex(%sockread,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,),4,32) == %resolve.ip) { 
      msg $($+(%,join.chan),2) Welcome to $($+(%,join.chan),2) $($+(%,join.nick),2) $+ . We are glad to have a visitor from $iif(%resolve.country1,%resolve.country1,%resolve.country2) $+ . $&
        You are the $ord($($+(%,$($+(%,join.chan),2),joinstotal),2)) visitor and it's your $ord($($+(%,$($+(%,join.nick),2),$($+(%,join.chan),2),joins),2)) join here in %join.chan $+ .
  if (is not a valid IP address isin %sockread) { 
    msg $($+(%,join.chan),2) Welcome to $($+(%,join.chan),2) $($+(%,join.nick),2) $+ . We are glad to have a visitor from $iif(%resolve.country1,%resolve.country1,%resolve.country2) $+ . $&
      You are the $ord($($+(%,$($+(%,join.chan),2),joinstotal),2)) visitor and it's your $ord($($+(%,$($+(%,join.nick),2),$($+(%,join.chan),2),joins),2)) join here in %join.chan $+ .

on *:join:#: {
  set %join.chan $chan
  set %join.nick $nick
  inc $+(%,#,joinstotal) 1
  inc $+(%,$nick,#,joins) 1 
  userip $nick
raw 340:*: { resolve $gettok($$1-,2,64) }
raw 340:*: { resolve $gettok($$1-,2,64) }

Bunny Hopp

QuakeNet@ #Lenoox <> visit http://www.insaneboard.comeze.com