It is expected, you want to write in red so the 'red color' must be put before the text, here before the '!'.
In your case, a bot is probably looking for a '!' as the first character in your first word but can't handle the color.
To prevent the color from being added you can use control+enter instead of enter itself, you could also ask the person who is managing the bot to handle colors in general.
I spotted a little bug in the code anyway, use this one:
on *:INPUT:#: {
  if (!$istok(/ $readini($mircini,text,commandchar),$left($1,1),32)) && (!$ctrlenter) {
    msg $chan $+($chr(3),04,$regsubex($1-,/(\S+)/g,$iif(\1 ison $chan,$+($chr(3),08,( $+ \1),$chr(3)),\1)))

Last edited by Wims; 22/11/11 12:30 AM.

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