Originally Posted By: Wiz126
Being able to use all these features with multiple variables are the entire point of that feature suggestion.

Except that you couldn't use -n with multiple variables, so it's not the "point"-- that would defeat the purpose of the "treat data as plaintext" concept. In other words, if -n was used, mIRC could not be able to tell that a "," was used to separate variables, because it's supposed to be treating the data as plain text-- that's what you asked for, right? Otherwise you would need -n and yet another "REALLY, I MEAN PLAIN TEXT!" switch to tell mIRC not to parse ", %var2 = .... " as anything special.

The only thing you COULD use multiple variable setting for would be with -gu, but as I said above, you can already do this. Yes, I agree it's more elegant to user /var over multiple /set's, but let's not kid ourselves, this is mIRC script-- "more elegant" doesn't really hold much weight, IMO. The way I see it, if you can script it with /set and it's not horribly inconvenient (/set is not significantly more inconvenient, in this case), why do we need this? "Just cause"? Seems like there are better things Khaled should be focusing on.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"