Here is something clearer that I made based on your code:
;encode the parameter passed to /_trans as required by http
alias -l urlencode return $replace($regsubex($1,/(\W)/g,% $+ $base($asc(\1),10,16,2)),$chr(32),+)
alias _trans {
  ;close the socket in case it's in use, open it, and mark it with the encoded version of the parameters
  sockclose trans
  sockopen trans 80
  sockmark trans $urlencode($$1-)
on *:sockopen:trans:{
  if ($sockerr) echo 4 -s * /_trans: sockopen error: $v1
  else {
    ;the GET request, that use what we originally stored in the mark
    sockwrite -n trans GET $+(/translate_a/t?client=t&text=,$sock(trans).mark,&sl=en&tl=fr) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite trans Host: $str($crlf,2)
    ;delete the mark (used later for another purpose)
    sockmark trans

on *:sockread:trans:{
  if ($sockerr) echo 4 -s * /_trans: sockread error: $v1
  ;read a line or what is inside the buffer
  var %a
  sockread -f %a
  ;we use the mark as a boolen value ($null/1) to know if we received the headers 
  if ($sock(trans).mark) {
    ;seperate the line according to comma
    tokenize 44 $remove(%a,],[,")
    echo -a Translation of $qt($2) is $qt($1)
  ;if the mark is empty and if %a is $null, we received the headers
  elseif (!%a) sockmark trans 1
Languages are harcoded in the GET request, "&sl=en&tl=fr" means translate from english to french. Type /_trans <word or sentence here>, hope this helps.

Edit: I added some comments

Last edited by Wims; 24/10/11 03:46 PM.

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