If you read what I said, that's the point I was making. You have to add the right number of tabs or it will not align. It's not like a text editor or word processor, where if you're past the first tab stop and press Tab, then it goes to the next tab stop. Instead, it adds a space and that's all. If you "hit Tab" again, then it will go to the next tab stop. The point of what I said right at the start is that you need to be aware of the difference between this behavior and what most people are used to.

In case you're still not seeing it...

Word Processor:
Let's say tabs are every 1/2". If I type enough to be 3/4", hitting Tab afterwards will move me to the next tab stop (at 1").

Again, let's say tabs are every 1/2" and I type enough to be at 3/4". I then "hit Tab" by using $chr(9) and instead of going to 1", it adds a space or two because it still wants to go to the first tab instead of the next tab. If I "hit Tab" again, only then will it go to 1". This is different from how tabs work in basically any other software, which is why I commented on it.

And, btw... my previous example aligns fine with 2 tabs. 3 isn't necessary.

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