Originally Posted By: argv0
My guess is the network you're using doesn't support multiple channel targets for PRIVMSG. Basically, you're attempting to issue the command /msg #chan1,#chan2 foo, which is not always supported. If your complaint is in fact that it isn't working for you, it's most likely because it's unsupported on your network.

If you type the above command out manually, you should see it fail. Checking your status window will also show you WHY it is failing (which you should have been checking for debugging info about your script from the start). Again, if my guess is correct, you'll be seeing "too many targets" (though some naughty networks may just hide that message).

I understand that however, in my second data file (post.ini) if you change all the content to the same and the only thing that has changed is the name of the data file, no output (zero) is given.

As far as how you can fix it-- I'm not really all that interested in helping somebody complete what appears to be a spam/advertising script. Perhaps somebody else will tell you how to fix this. Note that /msg #chan1,#chan2 is disabled on these networks specifically to curb spam. It would be wrong to help you bypass basic IRC etiquette.

You must have pre-conceive ideas and I would not expect much less from people from Montreal, QC, Canada. smile

Last edited by dutch1918; 12/08/11 01:27 PM.