This is probably the easiest thing to script:

alias -l ewin if (!$window(@EVENTS)) window @EVENTS | echo -t @EVENTS * [[ $+ $network $+ $iif(#,: $+ #,) $+ ]] $1-
on *:JOIN:#:ewin $nick joined ( $+ $fulladdress $+ ).
on *:PART:#:ewin $nick parted ( $+ $fulladdress $+ ) ( $+ $1- $+ ).
on *:QUIT:#:ewin $nick quit ( $+ $fulladdress $+ ) ( $+ $1- $+ )
; etc...

Add in any other events you want putting notices in that window. You can customize it more to make it work better for you.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"