After $freading a whole file, mIRC doesn't fill the 'end of file' propriety, though another call of $fread (returning $null and not even 0) fills the propriety.

alias fh_bug {
  bset &a 2000 1 
  bwrite test -1 -1 &a 
  .fopen test test
  echo -a file: $lof(test) bytes
  echo -a read $fread(test,2000,&r) bytes
  echo -a end of file or error ? $fopen(test).eof - $fopen(test).err 
  echo -a read $fread(test,2000,&r) bytes
  echo -a end of file or error ? $fopen(test).eof - $fopen(test).err
  .fclose test 
  .remove test

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