if you use $N[-[n]] in the replacement for regsubex, $N is treated as \N instead of the Nth token in $1-.

There's one of two ways around this, the first is to use variables.
The second, is using []'s which can be quite exploitable:
alias exp {
  tokenize 1 $!findfile($mircdirtest,*,0,return $!?!="See?")
  echo -a Input: $1

  ; This evaulates $1, then evaluates the contents of $1
  echo -a Subbed With []'s:    $regsubex(a,$1-,/^.*(See).*$/i,\1 = [ $1 ] )

  ;This treats $1 as though it were \1
  echo -a Subbed Without []'s: $regsubex(b,$1-,/^.*(See).*$/i,\1 = $1 )

  echo -a Correct Output: See = $!findfile($mircdirtest,*,0,return $!?!="See?")

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