Here's my two cents - note that I didn't really test it! The approach is just slightly different from Froggies.
; return wheter a user's mask (nick!user@host - you can use wildcards) has admin level
; YOUR ULIST HAS TO CONTAIN MASKS FOR IT TO WORK, if it's made of plain nicknames, try $nick in place of $fulladdress
alias -l isadmin { return $ulist($fulladdress,admin) }

; return hash table name
alias -l ht { return $+(helpqueue,$cid) }

; regex routine (find nickname tokens in hash table data)
alias -l nickreg { return $+(/(?<=^|\s)\Q,$replacexcs($1,\E,\E\\E\Q),\E(?=$|\s),/i) }

; queue joining non-admins and send message to all present admins 7s after last join
on @*:join:#: {
  if (!$isadmin) { 
    hadd -m $ht $chan $hget($ht,$chan) $nick
    $+(timer,$ht,$chr(1),$chan) 1 7 messageadmins

; voice next user in channel's queue
on @admin:text:!next:#:{
  if ($hget($ht,$chan)) { mode $chan +v $gettok($v1,1,32) }
  else { notice $nick      Help queue of $chan is empty. }

; remove voiced users from queue
on *:voice:#: { hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$vnick,0,32) }

; remove kicked users from channel's queue; clear queue if kicked yourself
on *:kick:#: {
  if ($knick == $me) { if ($hget($ht)) hdel $v1 $chan }
  elseif (!$ulist($ial($knick),admin)) { hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$knick,0,32) }

; remove parting users from channel's queue; clear queue if parting yourself
on *:part:#: {
  if ($nick == $me) { if ($hget($ht)) hdel $v1 $chan }
  elseif (!$isadmin) { hadd -m $ht $chan $remtok($hget($ht,$chan),$nick,0,32) }

; remove quitting users from queue(s); clear queue if quitting yourself
on *:quit: {
  if ($nick == $me) { if ($hget($ht)) hfree $v1 }
  elseif (!$isadmin) { 
    while ($hfind($ht,$nickreg($nick),1,r).data) { hadd $ht $v1 $remtok($hget($ht,$v1),$nick,0,32) }

; update queue(s) on nickchange
on !*:nick: {
  if (!$isadmin) { 
    while ($hfind($ht,$nickreg($nick),1,r).data) { hadd $ht $v1 $reptok($hget($ht,$v1),$nick,$newnick,0,32) }

; clear queue on disconnect
on *:disconnect: { if ($hget($ht)) hfree $v1 }

; send message to all admins on that channel (max. 4 target nicks per message)
alias -l messageadmins {
  var %n = 1, %c = $gettok($ctimer,-1,1), %present
  while ($ulist(*,admin,%n)) {
    if ($ialchan($v1,%c,1).nick) { 
      var %present = $addtok(%present,$v1,44)
      if ($numtok(%present,44) == 4) { notice $v1 $queuemessage(%c) | var %present }
    inc %n
  if (%present) { notice $v1 $queuemessage(%c) }

; message layout
alias -l queuemessage {
  var %t = $numtok($hget($ht,$1),32)
  return      There $iif((%t > 1),are %t users,is $iif((%t == 1),one user,no user left)) in the help queue of $1 $+ .