I found a few bugs in my code....
on *:DICONNECT: unset $+(%,wait:,$cid,:*)

on @*:JOIN:#:{
  set $nwait($chan).noop $nwait($chan) $nick
  $+(.timerWait:,$cid,:,$chan) 1 5 nWaitAdminMsg $!( $chan ,0)

on !*:NICK:{
  var %x = 1, %c, %n = /(?<=^| )\Q $+ $replacecs($nick,\E,\E\\E\Q) $+ \E(?= |$)/
  while ($comchan($nick,%x)) {
    %c = $v1
    set $nwait(%c).noop $regsubex($nwait(%c),%n,$newnick)
    inc %x

on @*:TEXT:!next:#:{
  var %n = $nwait(#)
  while ($gettok(%n,1,32) && $v1 !isreg #) %n = $gettok(%n,2-,32)
  if (%n) {
    mode # +v $gettok(%n,1,32)
    set $nwait(#).noop $gettok(%n,2-,32)
  else unset $nwait(#).noop

alias nWait {
  if ($prop == noop) return $+(%,wait:,$cid,:,$1)
  return $($+(%,wait:,$cid,:,$1),2)

alias nWaitAdminMsg {
  if ($me !isop $1) unset $nwait($1).noop
  else {
    var %n = $nwait($1), %r, %x = 1
    while ($gettok(%n,%x,32)) {
     if ($v1 ison $1) %r = %r $v1
     inc %x
    if (!%r) unset $nwait($1).noop
    else {
      set $nwait($1).noop %r
      var %x = 1, %a
      while ($ulist(*,admin,%x)) {
        var %u = $v1, %y = 1
        while ($ialchan(%u,$1,%y)) {
          %a = $addtok(%a,$v1,44)
          inc %y
        inc %x 
      if (%a) msg %a The following users are waiting for help: %r

1) $nWait() should have evaluated the variable
2) $nWait().noop should not have evaluated the variable
3) Am now searching $IALChan() for admins
4) Strange channel name exploit

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 07/06/11 05:24 PM.

I am SReject
My Stuff