
I have a collection of scripts that allow someone to connect to several different specific servers. I can't use basic mIRC because most of these servers have customized their IRC software.

SO I just use basic /server to connect. On this particular network I wait for the server to tell me I need to identify, which is a notice event, to auth. Then a notice event says success and I connect to a saved channel automatically.

The issue is that when I connect to this IRCx server, it first gives me a Temp nickname. mIRC sets this as mnick. Then I say, "no I'm identifying my nickname" and if the password is right, now it changes my nickname to the correct one.

I noticed today that even though $me = my nickname, $scid($cid).mnick is the Temp nickname. In my scripts you are able to connect more than one nick to the same server on the same mirc, and the second nick I connect, .mnick returns the correct nickname.

Am I doing something wrong? I know I can use the /mnick command to force my nickname but I've never had to do this and it works fine for my 2nd or 3rd nick I connect.

All solutions and comments would be very appreciated, thanks.