
I've got this 'duration' script, which tells me how many months me and my boyfriend are together. But I've got a small issue.

I've edited it so it would put a , after each time thing (hour, minute, second etc.). So that would be: blablabla 3 hours, 25 minutes, 23 seconds.

But the problem is, it'll only add a , when the duration is more than 1 (> 1). When it's less than 1, or equal to 1, it wont add a , and I can't get this fixed.

alias richloe { 
  var %richloe = $dur($calc($ctime - $ctime(%richloe))) 
  msg $chan ricoenchloƫ
  msg $chan They are together for %richloe $+ . Isn't that amazing!?

alias -l dur { %a = $1 | return $iif(!%a,0secs,$s(31536000, $chr(32) year) $s(2628000.0288, $chr(32) month) $s(604800, $chr(32) week) $s(86400, $chr(32) day) $s(3600, $chr(32) hour) $s(60, $chr(32) minute) $s(1, $chr(32) second)) }

alias -l s { 
  %b = $int($calc(%a /$1))
  %a = %a % $1 
  if (%b && %c) {
    return %b $+ $2 $+ $iif(%b > 1,s $+ $chr(44) $+ ) 

The variable %richloe has been set as: %richloe April 16 2010 13:11:00

Also, after 'minutes' it should add a 'and' in stead of a , (so, 22 hours, 23 minutes AND 45 seconds)

Any help?

Last edited by DuXxXieJ; 27/04/11 02:51 PM.

Squee whenever a squee squee's. Squee whenever a squee does not squee.