You will need to decide on how you want to store the information. Variables are fine, if there aren't many. But you normally want to avoid setting a variable for every nick who plays a game unless the variables are unset afterwards. Instead, you are better off saving the data in another format. For frequently used data, a hash table is a good option. Just be sure to save it as it won't save itself. Or for infrequently used data, you might consider using the INI file format.

Hash Table Save/Load example:
//hadd Game $nick $+ . Money %totalcash
//echo -a $hget(Game,$nick $+ .Money)

INI Save/Load example:
//writeini Game.ini $nick Money %totalcash
//echo -a $readini(Game.ini,$nick,Money)

Note that the Hash Table example don't show the need for using /hload and /hsave and /hmake. Also, the Hash Table example stores the "item" as Nick.Money . Depending on what you're doing, you might instead just save it as Nick and then use $gettok() to pull out the specific data from a list of data (money, items owned, etc), or some other setup that works for you.

INI is the easiest to learn, but hash tables offer greater speed in most cases when the data is accessed frequently and can be more flexible to work with.

And, just as an example, here's a variable solution:
//set %Money. $+ $nick %totalcash
//echo -a $($+(%,Money.,$nick),2)

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