Try this. It's based upon the code you already provided and my knowledge of the alterations I suggested, but has not been tested.
P.S.: Next time you have a code/script problem, please use the Scripts & Pop-ups forum.
on *:text:$($iif(!find* iswm $strip($1),$1)):#:{ 
  if (!%p) && ($isfile(lobbys.txt)) { 
    inc -u3 %p 
    if $0 = 1 { 
      .notice $nick Usage: !find <nick> 
    elseif !$read(lobbys.txt,w,$+(*,$strip($2-),*)) { 
      .notice $nick There are no results for: $2- 
    else { 
      var %a = 1
      while $read(lobbys.txt,w,$+(*,$strip($2-),*,%a)) {
        .msg $nick $v1 
        %a = $readn