Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Without knowing the network and what exactly the channel services are on that network, I can't be too specific. But, in general, you have 2 different services. The first is handles nicks. You register your nick and log into it when you connect. This lets you keep others from using the nick. That is what you are doing with Q. The other service is the channel service. This service controls who gets automatic op status as well as other things like automatically kicking people or voicing them. To change who gets the op status, the channel service needs to be updated. This would be done using a /msg command or a specific command followed by what you want done. For example, you showed how to register and authorize yourself using /msg and also using /auth as a separate command. A similar thing would be done to set up who gets automatically opped.

The channel's in quakenet, if that's what you mean by network.
Did I understand correctly, that a current operator has to use a /msg command to set the op status? What kinds of alternatives are there besides the /msg commands (to set ops)? What kind of /msg commands can be used to do this?
Tried the /msg auth command instead of the /auth one and they seem to be serving the same purpose, as it says I've already been authed when trying the /msg command after using the /auth one.

Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Now, if you are getting automatically opped while not logged in, but losing it when logged in, then that means that logging in changes your host info. In some networks, being logged in will change something like mynick!ident@myhost.com to mynick!ident@users.undernet.org (for Undernet). Most likely, your real host information is entered for automatic ops, but not your logged in "host".

The thing is, I'm not getting automatically opped no matter how I join the channel. I've had other ops set op status to me and every time I close the client and open it again later on, the op status is gone and not automatically set. I don't think they've used other commands to set the other ops we have though, so it must have something to do with my registered account specifically.

ps. thanks for taking the time to reply smile.

Last edited by Korrrrupt; 12/04/11 08:00 PM.