
I don't mean the on error event. Supposedly that only relays an error message from the server. I want access to mirc's internal errors.

Let's say I enter a command that doesn't exist.

/command 1
mIRC says in the status window: COMMAND Unknown command

Is there anyway, besides monitoring my status window, that I can be notified of this in a script?

I was messing around with a text response script where I make mirc remotely perform a dynamic command. (I know how dangerous this can be, thanks.) Just for fun I wanted to let the remote user know if the command failed. I put an :error with messaging at the bottom but it didn't catch the error of the unnknown command.

  elseif ($1 = .c) $eval($2-,2)
:error { echo 4 -s ERROR: $error | msg # $error }

Any ideas? Thanks.