Yeah i'm thinking about scripting something for now, but a built in feature would probably be more reliable.

Mind sharing how you are doing it? I was thinking check if a file exists before doing anything, if it does stop and close. That should work unless mirc crashes and is unable to delete the lock file when it closes.

I made a little script using the lock file idea.

on *:load:{ write running.lock | .reload -rs1 $script }
on *:unload: if ($isfile(running.lock)) remove running.lock
on *:start:{ if ($isfile(running.lock)) { set -e %er 1 | exit } | else write running.lock }
on *:exit: if (!%er) remove running.lock

It reloads it self as the 1st script since I know I have scripts that do connection stuff and it should run first. It works better than I hoped, but I do get the vars.ini file has changed popup since I do set a var in the check.

Last edited by pball; 24/03/11 11:10 PM.
My personal site with some scripts I've released.