A friend gave me this script where you can add quotes and it's really nice but one thing it doesn't do is tell you what number quote your one is when you add one, meaning you would either have to spam !quote or keep using !search which isn't ideal and another thing i would love it to do is when you do !quote 1 it says who it's added by but not the day, date and time.

on *:LOAD: { set %Quote.list } 
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !quote) {
    if ($2) {
      if ($2 isnum) {
        if ($read(Quotes.txt,$2) != $null) { msg $chan Quote $chr(35) $+ $2 $+ : $read(Quotes.txt,$2) }
        else { msg # Quote doesn't exist }
      else { msg # Please provide a number }
    else {
      set %lines $rand(1,$lines(Quotes.txt))
      msg $chan Quote $chr(35) $+ %lines $+ : $read(Quotes.txt,%lines)
  if ($1 == !addquote) {
    if ($address($nick,1) isin %Quote.ban) { msg # You are banned from adding quotes! }
    else {
      if ($2) {
        if ($chr(36) isin $2-) { msg # Invalid Characters! }
        else {
          write Quotes.txt $2- $+ , Added by $nick
          msg # Quote Added!
  if ($1 == !delquote) {
    if ($nick isin %Quote.list) {
      if ($2) {
        if ($read(Quotes.txt,$2) != $null) {
          write -dl $2 Quotes.txt
          msg # Line deleted
        else { msg # Quote doesn't exist }
  if ($1 == !search) {
    if ($2) {
      if ($read(Quotes.txt,w,* $+ $2 $+ *) != $null) {
        msg # $read(Quotes.txt,w,* $+ $2 $+ *)
      else { msg # No results found }
  if ($1 == !lastquote) {
    set %lines $lines(Quotes.txt)
    msg # Quote $chr(35) $+ %lines $+ : $read(Quotes.txt,%lines)
menu nicklist {
  .Add/Del user's
  ..$iif($address($1,1) isin %Quote.ban,$style(2)) Add $+($chr(40),$1,$chr(41)): { set %Quote.ban $addtok(%Quote.list,$address($1,1),32) | echo -a User $+($chr(40),$1,$chr(41)) has been added. }
  ..$iif($address($1,1) !isin %Quote.ban,$style(2)) Del $+($chr(40),$1,$chr(41)): { set %Quote.ban $remtok(%Quote.list,$address($1,1),1,32) | echo -a User $+($chr(40),$1,$chr(41)) has been removed. }
  ..$iif(!%Quote.ban,$style(2)) $+($chr(91),$numtok(%Quote.ban,32),$chr(93)) $+(User's,$chr(58)) List them: { echo -a $gettok(%Quote.list,1-,32) }

I've tried doing the quote number by trying to copy bits of the code where you do !quote # (# being the number) such as Quote $chr(35) $+ %lines $+ but failed, even tried other bits but never worked. I'm useless when it comes to code frown