First, script requests belong in the scripting forum. Second, networks only allow you to send a limited number of message simultaneously or within a short period of time. If you have a large number of people joining the channel on a regular basis, you shouldn't try to message all of them. If you have something to tell them, use the topic or have a !rules or !faq or whatever command that will send them a text file with the information you need to provide. You can attempt to use a timer to spread out your messages, but keep in mind that large number of people joining will force the messages you send to be delayed a very long time.

The limit of the number of messages or join commands you can use varies from network to network, but you can expect it to be somewhere around about 20 messages or joins within 2 minutes. And, of course, you also can only send so many messages in a short period of time (usually 3-6 within 2 seconds maximum) before you are disconnected for flooding.

EDIT: Note that some networks may have a CPRIVMSG or CNOTICE command available that allows channel ops only to send an arbitrary number of messages or notices to anyone who is in the same channel.

Last edited by Riamus2; 02/03/11 01:19 PM.

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