Originally Posted By: FroggieDaFrog
If you want to handle each match from the file in the specified text:
/findit this line of text would get searched
$findit(this line of text would get searched)

alias findit {
  if (!%findit:lookup) {
    set %findit:lookup $1-
    ;this assumes file.txt is in your mIRC dir
    filter -fk $qt($mircdirfile.txt) findit *
    var %c = %findit:count
    unset %findit:*

    ;This is after searching is done
    ; %c is the total number of matches found
    $iif($isid,return,echo -a Total Matches Found:) %c
  elseif (!$2 && $isid && $gettok($1,1,59) isin %FindIt:lookup) { 
    inc %findit:count 

    ;this is where you would handle the matches
    ;  %FindIt:Count is the match number
    ;  %FindIt:Lookup is the text that is being searched
    ;  $1- is the match from the file

    echo 03 :: $1-

worked perfect as i described... thanks alot.