since the search function is failing to obey me i have to turn to the only alternative i feel comfortable with.

ok. So i have been using Xchat for about 1year... but for some reason it makes AfterEffects crash, so it's not really something i can use.

when i started using Xchat a friend of mine helped me setup the program... (probably with some sweet scripts) so i don't really know what to do.

i can connect to the channel i want so that isn't a problem.

the problem i have with mIRC are the following:

1. i can't remove "ustreamer-xxxxx is now known as yyyyyy"
2. i want to "highlight" mods and not show the @/+ before the names.
3. i want a ...."linebreaker?"

...something to separate nicks and the message. (and keep them lined up nicely.
4. if 3 is possible i want to remove the "<>" surrounding the names.

would all this be possible?

i don't want to learn how to script, or get a big instruction manual dropped in my hands. i just want it to work.

(please don't hate me for being rude/bold/mean... English is not my native language)

this is how it looks right now:

Last edited by nyct3a; 08/02/11 01:43 AM.