Originally Posted By: MegaZeroX
After I reiterated that I thought the feature was needed, you say you "don't believe me."

I'm not saying I don't believe the feature is needed. I was responding to:

Originally Posted By: MegaZeroX
Scripting *that* would slow down mIRC. Believe me, I've tried.

Don't act like you're a scripting champ and you "obviously" know what is feasible, when you don't. The point is that scripting it is not inefficient.

Again, it's unclear what you're suggesting. First you asked for programmatic commands, then you asked for channel specific settings, now [it seems like] you're asking to only hide inactive users. All of these three are completely separate suggestions, and you haven't really clarified exactly what you want.

To clarify my end: I believe that a channel independent UI control for showing/hiding events is "useful" (not "needed"). However, the rest of it (programmatic command, only hiding inactive users) brings this feature into scripting territory.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"