Thanks! It works, just got one small issue right now. When ë,á,é etc.etc. isn't read well it goes like: ë. I had that fixed using replace, only it doesn't replace it anymore because of the noop thing.

Chlo&#235; <--

Any help?

    if (%t_info_req != ON) {
      noop $regsub(%t_text1,/(@\w.*?\b)/g,14\1,%t_text1)
      noop $regsub(%t_text1,/(#\w.*?\b)/g,14\1,%t_text1)
      msg %t_chan  $+ %sc2 $+ ( $+ %sc $+ Last tweet $+ %sc2 $+ ) $replace(%t_text1,&#235;,ë)

EDIT: never mind! got it fixed. tried this:

      var %t_text1 $replace(%t_text1,&#235;,ë)
      noop $regsub(%t_text1,/(@\w.*?\b)/g,14\1,%t_text1)
      noop $regsub(%t_text1,/(#\w.*?\b)/g,14\1,%t_text1)
      msg %t_chan  $+ %sc2 $+ ( $+ %sc $+ Last tweet $+ %sc2 $+ ) $replace(%t_text1,&#235;,ë)

(The var thing). now it works, never mind smile

Last edited by DuXxXieJ; 18/12/10 03:11 PM.

Squee whenever a squee squee's. Squee whenever a squee does not squee.