Well, there is such a bot because you showed an example of one. Whether any are publicly available rather than only for use in the bot owner's channel, that's hard to say. I haven't seen any, but there are a LOT of scripts out there and I don't monitor all of them. You can check scripting sites or Google for one. You can also ask the channel ops to see if they will share their bot with you (they probably won't, but it's worth trying).

Beyond that, you'd have to make your own or have someone else make it for you. To do so, you'll need to use sockets and some website that has the data. And the more commands/features you want to have, the more work it will take to create. In general, people here will not write a full script for you. If you get started and need help, we offer help. That said, maybe someone here is interested in making such a script and will write it all for you. That can sometimes happen, but usually you'll need to at least do the main part of it yourself.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net