Hi there, i am having a problem with my popup script.

this is it's initial form before saving and closing:


.Clear status: { clear -s }
.Clear current: { clear }
.Clear all: { clearall }
Request Mod
.Request Mod {
  /me Looks over to the direction of4 $$?="Mods Nick" and 7Coughs.....
  /say 3Is there any chance you could do something about4 $$?="Offenders Nick" 3please.  :)
  /me 7I think I speak for the rest of6 $chan 7when I say they are becomming annoying!
  /say 3Thank You :)
.Join channel:/join #$$?="Enter channel name:"
.Part channel:/part #$$?="Enter channel name:"
.Query user:/query $$?="Enter nickname and message:"
.Send notice:/notice $$?="Enter nickname and message:"
.Whois user:/whois $$?="Enter nickname:"
Exit's and Quit's
..Plain Exit: {
  /me 3Thats me for now folks.  7Waves \/\/\/\/\/
..Bed Exit: {
  /me 3Thats me for now folks.  7Waves \/\/\/\/\/
  /say 7Goodnight all I am away to bed.
..Balcony Exit: {
  /me Bids his good byes to all as it is time i went..........
  /say 3Looks over at the balcony of7 $chan 3and measures up his running distance.
  /say 3Runs and jumps off the balcony of4 $chan 7and falls to the floor in a dramatic exit!  4SPLAT!!!!!!
..Room Exit: {
  /say 3Looks around the room and waves to his friends
  /me 7\/\/Waves\/\/
..Advert Exit: {
  /say 08,01Looks around the room and waves to his friends 7\/\/Waves\/\/
..By Bye Quit: {
  /amsg 08,01Looks around and waves goodbye to everyone.  7\/\/\/\/Waves\/\/\/
  /me Will see you all in a few months or so........
..Plain Quit: {
  /me 3Thats me for now folks.  7Waves \/\/\/\/\/
..Bed Quit: {
  /me 3Thats me for now folks.  7Waves \/\/\/\/\/
  /say 7Goodnight all I am away to bed.
  /quit 6It's Bed time for........12Time to dream of something nice!
..Balcony Quit: {
  /me Bids his good byes to all as it is time i went..........
  /say 3Looks over at the balcony of7 $chan 3and measures up his running distance.
  /say 3Runs and jumps off the balcony of4 $chan 7and falls to the floor in a dramatic exit!  4SPLAT!!!!!!
..Room Quit: {
  /say 3Looks around the room and waves to his friends
  /me 7\/\/Waves\/\/
..Advert Quit: {
  /amsg 08,01Looks around the room and waves to his friends 7\/\/Waves\/\/
..By Bye Quit: {
  /amsg 08,01Looks around and waves goodbye to everyone.  7\/\/\/\/Waves\/\/\/
  /me Will see you all in a few months or so........
Script Away
.Be Right Back Tea
..Feeding Myself and chilling: {
  ame 3Going to feed myself then go chill on my sofa for a while.
  amsg 3Be Back In a While
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 7Cooking my tea and chilling.
..Return From feeding myself and chilling: {
  ame 4Returns to4 $chan after feeding myself and chilling.
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  ame 7Whilst sitting down quietly in the corner he observes the room.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Lucy Tea
..Feeding The Dog: {
  ame 3Going to feed Lucy.
  amsg 3Be Back In a While
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 7Feeding Dog.
..Return From feeding the dog: {
  ame 4Returns to4 $chan after feeding Lucy.
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  ame 7Whilst sitting down quietly in the corner he observes the room.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Walking Lucy
..Walking Dog: {
  ame 3Going to take Lucy out for her walk.
  amsg 3Be Right Back
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 7Taking dog for walk
..Return From Walking the dog: {
  ame 4Returns to4 $chan after taking Lucy the dog for a walk.
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  ame 7Whilst sitting down quietly in the corner he observes the room.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Cup of Tea Time
..Cup Of Tea Time: {
  ame 3Toddles off into the kitchen to put the kettle on for a cuppa, but on his way announces to all in7 $chan 3that the kettle is on and ask's who's for a cuppa?
  amsg 3Be Right Back
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 7Making a brew
..Return With Tea: {
  ame 4Returns to4 $chan with a hot cup of tea.
  amsg 3Places a fresh pot of tea on the table in4 $chan 3and announces to all to help themselves.
  ame 7Sits down quietly in the corner and observes the room.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Not @ PC
..Not At PC: {
  ame 9Not Currently Sat @ my PC.  Please say my nick along with a message and i'll respond upon my return.3  Thank You :)
  amsg 3Be Right Back
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 9Not Currently Sat @ my PC.
..Return to my PC: {
  ame 9Returns to his PC. :) 
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Working on the Website
..Working on Website: {
  ame 9Not Currently Using my mIRC as I am working on the website.  Please say my nick along with a message and i'll respond as soon as I can.3  Thank You :)
  amsg 3Be Right Back
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 9Not Currently Using my mIRC.
..Return from Working on Website: {
  ame 9Returns to his PC. :) 
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Working on the Computer
..Working on Computer: {
  ame 9Not Currently Using my mIRC as I am working on the computer.  Please say my nick along with a message and i'll respond as soon as I can.3  Thank You :)
  amsg 3Be Right Back
  /nick ^Silent_Me^
  /msg nickserv identify 
  amsg !afk 9Currently engaged working on my computer.
..Return from Working on Computer: {
  ame 9Finishes working on his Computer. :) 
  amsg 3Places his butt down in the corner of4 $chan 3and sits back quietly.
  amsg !back
  /nick Silent_One
  /msg nickserv identify 
.Ping:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" ping
.Time:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" time
.Version:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" version
Invite user:/invite $$?="Enter nickname and channel:"
Ban user:/ban $$?="Enter channel and nickname:"
Kick user:/kick $$?="Enter channel and nickname:"
Ignore user:/ignore $$?="Enter nickname:"
Unignore user:/ignore -r $$?="Enter nickname:"
Change nick:/nick $$?="Enter new nickname:"
Identify To Nickserv:/ns identify 
Identify To Chanserv:/cs identify 

and after saving and closing the command popup menu malfuntions and then upon opening script editor and choosing popup tab this is a resulting code change:


it place 2 extra spaces at begining of each line of code up to
Scripts Away
then it places 4 extra spaces at begining of each line of code. I am at a loss to why this is happening. any ideas?

Last edited by BritishGent; 27/10/10 01:04 PM.

Never ASSUME!!!

As it often makes and ASS out of U and ME!!