Hello, thank you for your time. I just wanted to document that I experienced this funny behavior. I do not know that I could recreate it. I am using mIRC version 7.1 on Windows Vista Home Premium. I have never had this issue before.

I was working on code that translates incoming privmsg data to mirc /echo format. I was trying to support italics and was pressing ctrl + i in the script editor. It wasn't giving me a font box so I'm pretty sure I clicked cancel instead of saving it, but I am not 100% that I didn't save the file.

I restarted mIRC and my code to connect to the server wasn't working. I found out that I had a bracket mismatch in the file I had been working on. I narrowed it down to the code I just explained but couldn't find any bracket mismatch. I tried deleting brackets and typing them back in hoping there was an invisible character screwing something up but nothing worked.

So you know how mIRC script editor will justify the brackets, or show them as nested to make it less confusing to read? So the "bad bracket" should have been 1 step to the left (2 spaces) I used backspace to put it where it should have been and hit the bracket mismatch button and it fixed it.

  if (%no_) {
    if (!%hL_ [ $+ [ %pm_nk ] ]) && ($hget(soulfly,hL_sound)) {
      splay $qt($ifmatch)
      set -u5 %hL_ [ $+ [ %pm_nk ] ] $true
    echo $3 $chr(160)

Using backspace, I manually moved the last bracket to spaces to the left where it should be, hit the bracket mismatch button "{}" and it fixed it.

  if (%no_) {
    if (!%hL_ [ $+ [ %pm_nk ] ]) && ($hget(soulfly,hL_sound)) {
      splay $qt($ifmatch)
      set -u5 %hL_ [ $+ [ %pm_nk ] ] $true
    echo $3 $chr(160)

So the script editor was showing it as a bracket mismatch and made all following aliases nested in the if statement so the script wouldn't work. But, it appears that there wasn't a bracket mismatch.

Was there any work done on the script editor since version 6.35?