I found out how i add the text to the other columns
xdid -a testing 1 1 0 + 1 0 0 0 $rgb(170,213,255) $rgb(0,255,255) $+($gettok($read($mircdirscripts\txt\qtmp.txt, %x),1-3,32)) $chr(9) + 0 -1 $rgb(10,210,250) $rgb(255,0,255) $+($gettok($read($mircdirscripts\txt\qtmp.txt, %x),4-5,32)) $chr(9) + 0 -1 $rgb(120,255,210) $rgb(255,255,0) $+($gettok($read($mircdirscripts\txt\qtmp.txt, %x),6,32))  $chr(9) + 0 -1 $rgb(120,255,210) $rgb(255,255,0) $+($gettok($read($mircdirscripts\txt\qtmp.txt, %x),7-,32))

I dont know why i need to use $rbg(), but if i remove the the code will be broken, but stumbled on a new problem, how can i return what i just cliked on..

I tested to echo a bit, and this is what i got so far.
alias testing_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) {
    var %dname = $dname , %did = $3 , %devent = $2 , %data = $4-

    echo -a %name -> %did -> %devent -> %data

The reply the echo give me.
testing<dialog name> -> 1<ID> -> sclick<what i just did> -> 2<what row> 3<what column>

But im unable to return the text/data in the dialog column, have been trying to return $4- as the data, but all i get is the column i just clicked, i need to return all info from the 4 columns i have and get it in one line, somone that can point me in the right direction?

after som more testing i can return the text from the dialog. but only from the column i just clicked, not from all in the same row, the line i was using was
alias testing_cb {
  if ($2 != mouse) {
    var %dname = $dname , %did = $3 , %devent = $2 , %data = $4-

    echo -a $xdid(testing,%did,$gettok(%data,1,32),$gettok(%data,2,32)).text

    echo -a %name -> %did -> %devent -> %data

Last edited by sparta; 10/09/10 07:43 PM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }