Originally Posted By: moocat
Originally Posted By: 5618
Could you test this on another network too, e.g. EFNet, QuakeNet, Undernet.

Justin.tv is an IRC network that follows the IRC protocol loosely (iirc).
I see that in raw 474 it does not return the channel name with a hash sign in front of it, which *may* cause mIRC to not update the channel status correctly.

Yeah. Thanks for spotting the missing hash sign. If I delay the autojoin I can part the banned channel(s) before the status is updated and thus close the window.

No, this didn't work either. The $chan($chan).status says parted, though the window remains opened and /part doesn't do anything.

I've pretty much given up hope on this and I'm just gonna part and close all channels on a DC and do an autojoin every time. Can't just have lots of empty windows sitting open.