I haven't done much of anything with MDX since I switch to DCX years back. But just something to start out with...
MDX is not fully compatible with mIRC 7.1 and hasn't been updated in many years. Some features will still work, but others will not. If you're using mIRC 7.1, then try your script on an older version of mIRC to see if it works there. Also, if you plan to distribute your script, remember that anyone using mIRC 7.1 or newer may not be able to use your script. It would be a better idea to switch to DCX before writing any new scripts with MDX in them. It can do almost all (maybe all) of the same things MDX can and much more, plus it's regularly updated still and current versions should be fully compatible with mIRC 7.1.
Beyond that, maybe someone who still uses MDX can tell you if you did something wrong in your script.
As a note, one thing I do notice is the use of / instead of \ in your paths. / is a *nix path character. mIRC is a Windows program, so you should use \ instead. That said, it may still work with / as I haven't tested it with that character.