Hint: If you type / into an editbox and press the enter key, it will show the last line you entered in that editbox. If you type /! it will show the last line you typed in the last window you were in.
When you use "/editbox -an /" or "/editbox -ano /", it will recall the last line entered in whatever editbox has focus, and not necessarily the editbox in which the "/" command was entered.
If that is working as intended, then I think the help file should receive a small clarification.
Make the following alias:
Use Alt-Q to enable the 2nd editbox.
Enter "first" in the first editbox and press enter.
Enter "second" in the second editbox and press enter.
Enter "text" in the first editbox, without pressing enter.
Select the second editbox.
Press F6.
The text in the first editbox disappears, which indicates that editbox correctly executed in the first editbox. However, it recalls the text "second" in the second editbox, because that editbox has focus.