In Options, IRC, there's an option "auto-join on invite", which should do the trick. Of course it would accept any invite, so other users would be able to invite your bot to weird places. Another solution would be:

on *:invite:#yourchannel: {
  /join -n $chan

You could also do:

on chanserv:invite:#: {
  /join -n $chan

And then add an entry for chanserv on your network on the Users tab. If you only need 1-3 channels, use the first method instead.

As for reacting to triggers, you're looking for:

on *:text:!forum:*: {
  /msg $nick The forum is located here.

Any kind of commands you can use yourself in the editbot, you can put in that script, and then some.

EDIT: Forgot code blocks.

Last edited by Thels; 26/08/10 09:51 AM.

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