The behaviour is indeed the same in 6.35 and 7.1

The *inconsistency* is that when Normal text and Own text are set to the same colour that actions performed by you will be coloured as Action text.
However, when Normal text is a different colour from Own text, then actions performed by you will be coloured as Own text.

I assume that behaviour is desirable though since it allows for 2 scenarios:
1. people who like to have all their own text in a different colour will also see their own actions in that colour
2. people who do not like to see their own text in a different colour will see their own actions as all other actions

The original poster probably happened to stumble on this difference in behaviour only now and was expecting scenario 3. where all your own text, except actions, appear in the colour set for Own text.

The only (simple) solution for this would be to add a 'Own actions' menu item in the Colors dialog.
Apart from any easily scripted solution of course.

Last edited by 5618; 07/08/10 05:01 PM.