I currently have a script by which if someone slaps me it removes them from the channel.

But if they slap me with a different item than trout, it uses a message I made that retaliates with a trout.

How do I edit it so as to make it retaliate with the item they slap me with e.g. X slaps Me about with a (stick), so as to retaliate with the item in the bracket.

Any help would be appreciated, and my script is shown below.

On @*:action:$($+(*,slap,*,$me,*)):#:{
.timer 1 1 describe # dodges $nick $+ 's slap!
.timer 1 3 msg # shoves the trout up $nick 's ass so hard it sends him flying out of chat
.timer 1 5 kick # $nick Poor Trout...