Hope I got you right... ...hope you get my comments smile
I don't see the use of that !startmatch trigger though, as the users cannot request info 'bout different matches (as yet), only the match you did set. The local ticker should work, and gets you started for whatever plans you might have to expand the script in the future.

; added new menu item to set the match ID %crickid
; added new menu item to start/stop offline timer "crick" (= new ticker)
; renamed command "autocrickon" to "crick", added "type" (last/all) and "target" (output location) parameter to the "crick" command 
menu menubar,channel,status {
  .Set match ID $iif(%crickid,$+([current $chr(58) $v1,])) : {
    set %crickid $$gettok($gettok($input(Enter match ID (e.g. score6M691):,eog,Set cricket match ID,%crickID),-1,47),1,46)
    echo 4 -ag *** Match ID changed to: %crickid

  .$iif(!%crickid,$style(2) -- you have to set a match ID first --) : noop
  .$iif(%crickid,$iif($timer(crick),$style(1) Ticker $+ $chr(58) enabled,Ticker $+ $chr(58) disabled))
  ..$iif($timer(crick),disable,enable) {
    .timercrick $iif($timer(crick),off,-o 0 10 crick last status window)
    echo 4 -ag *** Ticker for Match ID %crickid $iif($timer(crick),started,stopped)
  .$iif(%crickid,Show ALL comments now) : {
    crick all status window
    echo 4 -ag *** Please Wait a Few Seconds While I Get You the Info...

; "type" and "target" parameters are now sent to command "crick" (and later stored in sockmark), I thus removed the %ccrick global variable 
on $*:text:/^[!@.]startmatch$/iS:#:{
  if (!%crickflood) {
    inc -eu5 %crickflood
    crick all #
    msg # 4 *** Please Wait a Few Seconds While I Get You the Info...

; always closes open crick socket
; sockmark now contains "type" and "target" parameter (target parameter allows fast/safe playback to status window/unjoined channels - for my tests in the first place)
alias -l crick {
  if ($sock(crickcom)) { sockclose $v1 }
  sockopen crickcom mathrubhumi.cricfeeds.com 80
  sockmark crickcom $+($1,$chr(1),$2-,$chr(1),.play $iif(($me !ison $2-),$iif(($2- == status window),-se,-e $2-) crickcommentary.txt 1,$2- crickcommentary.txt 2000))

; uses now match ID "%crickid" as set in the menu
on *:sockopen:crickcom:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/,%crickid,.html) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).addr $+ $str($crlf,2)

; moved the check for "end of comments" to the top, it was nested inside the last elseif (at that place it didn't trigger at all: "clear:both" is always a new line)
; furthermore, as there are multiple "style="clear:both"" in the source text, I put "<!--end of main-->" to detect "end of comments"
; the "end of comments" check now will also sockclose if "type" is "last" and the last-known comment had been received - so you can show new comments only
; added a line to capture the two opponents of the match for the "full" output - hope you like it :)
; finally, "on sockclose" won't trigger if you close the socket on your side. Output is now triggered by alias "crickclose".
on *:sockread:crickcom:{
  var %read
  sockread -fn %read
  if (%read == </div> <!--end of main--></div>) { crickclose $sockname }
  elseif ($regex(%read,/<div class="cf_np_column2"><span class="cf_underlin">([^<]+)<br \/><\/span>/)) { sockmark $sockname $+($sock($sockname).mark,$chr(1),$regml(1)) }
  elseif ($regex(%read,/\S+\-\S+\:\ssmall;">(.*?)</div>/i)) {
    var %t = $regsubex($+(Announcement:,$chr(32),$regml(1)),/<[^>]*>/g,)
    $iif(($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,1) == last) && (%t == %cricklast),crickclose $sockname,write -il1 crickcommentary.txt %t)
  ; modified last regsubex to remove tab chars as well
  elseif ($regex(%read,/<strong>(over)\s(\d+\.\d+)\:(.*)</div>/i)) {
    var %t = $single($+(12 $+ $regml(1),$chr(32),$chr(3),05,$regml(2),$chr(3),$chr(32),:,$chr(32),$regsubex($regml(3),/(?:<[^>]*>|\t)/g,)))
    $iif(($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,1) == last) && (%t == %cricklast),crickclose $sockname,write -il1 crickcommentary.txt %t)

; new close/output alias
alias -l crickclose {
  var %s = $1
  tokenize 1 $sock($1).mark
  sockclose %s
  if (!$lines(crickcommentary.txt)) {
    if ($1 == all) { $iif(($me ison $2),msg $v1 4,echo 4 -ag) *** Sorry, No Cricket Match Found on $date $time *** }
  else {
    ; for type "last" it stores the last line (= last comment) into a global var "%cricklast" to track changes
    if ($1 == last) { set %cricklast $read(crickcommentary.txt,n,$lines(crickcommentary.txt)) }
    ; insert "opponents" header-line or at start of single line
    if ($lines(crickcommentary.txt) > 1) { write -il1 crickcommentary.txt $4 }
    else { write -l1 crickcommentary.txt $4 $read(crickcommentary.txt,n.1) }
    ; play command

alias -l single { return $regsubex($1,/(single)/ig,$+($chr(3),04,\1)) }

; checking for $filename is imho better than than $exists (another /play request might end while this script is running)
; restarting the ticker timer on playend should account for playback delay
on *:playend: {
  if ($nopath($filename) == crickcommentary.txt) {
    .remove $qt($filename)
    if ($timer(crick)) { .timercrick -o 0 10 crick last status window }

Last edited by Horstl; 16/07/10 11:38 PM.