can't. it's a restricted page, so you'd need my cookie.

But I doesn't matter. I fixed the problem.

on *:sockread:warning:{
  while ($sock($sockname).rq) {
    sockread 4096 &var
    if ($sockbr > 2) {
      bset -t &source $calc(1 + $hget(warning, source, &source)) $remove($bvar(&var, 1-).text, $cr, $lf)
      hadd -mb warning source &source

alias warning {
  if ($hget(warning, source, &var)) {
    var %pos = 1, %n = 1, %time, %reason
    while ($bfind(&var, %pos, ago</td><td)) {
      var %pos = $v1 - 2, %length = 4
      while ($bvar(&var, %pos) != 62) {
        dec %pos
        inc %length
      %time = $bvar(&var, $calc(1 + %pos), %length).text
      %pos = $bfind(&var, %pos, "top">) + 6
      %reason = $bvar(&var, $+(%pos, -, $calc($bfind(&var, %pos, </td>) - 1))).text
      echo -ag ( $+ %n $+ ) Warning issued %time for reason $qt(%reason)
      inc %n
    hfree warning
  else echo -eagc i * /warning: no source to examine

(thanks to jaytea)

Last edited by onijin; 14/07/10 06:31 AM.