Ah, 2 problems:
1. ip.txt is a reserved name in your $mircdir and cannot be used: rename your file to ips.txt
2. I should indeed have used the w-switch, so I stand corrected.
on @!*:JOIN:*: who $nick 
raw 352:*:{ 
  if ($read(ips.txt,w,$4)) {
    var %n = $comchan($6,0), %nick = $6, %ip = $4
    while (%n) {
      var %chan = $comchan(%nick,%n)
      if ($comchan(%nick,%n).op) { mode %chan +b *!*@ $+ $gettok(%ip,1-3,46) $+ .* | kick %chan %nick 4Come with Original IP Dear }
      dec %n

Edit: my $3 was an old remaining typo ;D

Last edited by 5618; 18/06/10 03:50 PM.